Monday, October 11, 2010

Stuff that happened to me today

My college life is killing me folks. I've come to a definate conclusion. I HATE PEOPLE. All of the kids in my department are driving my up the walls. They always yammer on about random crap that isnt important at all, and act like theyre so damn funny when in reality they are as annoying as anything you can think of. I hate them guys. They bitch and moan (and yes, i realize that I am bitching and moaning as i type), and nothing they do will ever matter. The social life here? What social life? See, i was always raised to believe that college was a social explosion of awesomness. That there were girls everywhere (slutty girls, mind you). But what do i get? I get to go to an engineering school where the girl to guy ratio is 1:4. that means at any given time, I could walk outside and do you know what I would see? A sea of dudes. Dudes everywhere. Its rediculous. I'll rant more a little bit later, but its getting bad.


  1. Try doing A levels. Really sucks man.

  2. join a fraternity, cool parties, as many girls as you can handle... or let the idiots whine and come through
